Christiane Bäcker

Third Place

The Question of Digital Art

Answer the question : What is digital art? What, for you, is the definition of digital art? How do you explain digital art? Where does it begin and end? Where does it come from? Where does it go? This is as open-ended as you wish it to be, but still try to answer the question!

the question of digital art 1. i asked myself : what is digital art ? Is it concrete or just a part of my fantasy .. ?

the question of digital art .. and i asked further : how can i explain it ? Well , look at my pictures and let them speak their own universal language - and maybe you will understand. For example : A picture can be a melancholy feeling on a rainy day ..

the question of digital art Well , look at my pictures and let them speak their own universal language - and maybe you will understand. For example : a picture can visualize if you feel like living in a bubble ..

the question of digital art Well , look at my pictures and let them speak their own universal language - and maybe you will understand. For example : a picture can tell a story with a simple image detail

The question of digital art well , look at my pictures and let them speak their own universal language - and maybe you will understand . For example : a picture can make you a weightless for a moment ...

The question of digital art Well , look at my pictures and let them speak their own universal language - and maybe you will understand. For example: ... sometimes a picture can even carry off you in a fairy tale

The question of art And if you ask me: Where does it come from ? Where does it go ? I will give you the only possible answer for me .. it comes from my heart ...

The question of art And if you ask me: Where does it come from ? Where does it go ? It comes from my heart, from my soul and goes back to it ! It's like a circular flow..

The question of art And if you ask me: Where does it come from ? Where does it go ? It comes from my heart, from my soul and goes back to it ! It's like a circular flow. it's a part of me, a feeling ..

The question of art And if you ask me: Where does it come from ? Where does it go ? It comes from my heart, from my soul and goes back to it ! It's like a circular flow. it's a part of me, a feeling .. it's my own little planet ..

The question of art And if you ask me: Where does it come from ? Where does it go ? It comes from my heart, from my soul and goes back to it ! It's like a circular flow. it's a part of me, a feeling .. it's my own little planet , it's passion, it's me ..